I published the first half of the text in the show notes of Okeko Radio Episode 4, and I’ll copy this part here to have the full content in this newsletter.
The Title of Episode 4: Scot in the Rose
Dutch for Scot= Schot= a shot, shooting, firing a bullet
Proud to present Me on a ‘Day Nine’* (Sagittarius; In the fire of an end and a beginning; it’s a Scot in the Rose and also the Star-sign of My Mum) starting the Podcast in the energy-flow of a six* (Virgo: keeping the fires burning in my temple) passing on the healing I received for free, and I do it intentionally since I got it for free although I paid with tears and laughter, rose-up and fell on my nose, got up again and proceeded, that’s how I found a way to pass on healing intentionally, the wu-wei-way (doing without doing) and got better at facilitation i.e. making it easier for me and others to heal, I became lighter because I swept the BS out of me, let it fall in the bin together with letting go of the need to ‘make’ sense.
* see my description of the spiralling healing sequence of numbers down below
Pff… What A Relief
BS= Bullsh*t and/or Belief System (what- or whomever I hold dear, but isn’t like a deer. It harms the self to hold on to something that, or somebody who, proofs its cruelty over and over again. It’s time to be honest, say it as it is.
I discovered that healing raises consciousness, if I’m courageous enough to let it happen, allow the power and flow of love, intelligence, if I go through emotions, thoughts, feelings, fears, stress I get a pass from the universal life-force and dare to admit I’m just me, in around my spirited body, the vehicle and temple I care about, like a Virgin, as a child, innocent and harmless, honest and honourable, loveable and just saying as it is.
An individual, some-body in an undivided duality reality can truly say “I’m just me, I be, I am me. I’m like a bee, I am the buzz in my bee, and be the buzz in me, the middle-ground between Spirit and my Identity where energy-in-formation rises vertically and meets the horizontal flows of connection with all around me and my spirited body which has an informed bio-energy sphere where energies get in and out, upgrade, digest, process, progress and leave. This sphere is protected by Ego, the breathing skin of my ‘Cosmic Egg’ in and around my meat-suit, which can in-and deflate, blow up, break down and repaired. I can patch the holes where my energies leak by becoming aware of detrimental patterns that keep me running in circles. I can give up alleged normal behaviours, which seals this oval shaped sphere again, in order to be part of the whole without a drain, getting ready to participate in creating an art to live-on.
Before the doing, we need to realize the dynamics I’ve just described, and then the doing (wu-wei-way) part will come to ‘our me’, but many teachers start with the ‘do this, do that’ list in order to change, which is an inversion of the natural flow of healing. Healing is a result of realizing, it cannot be done, it’s only possible to kick-start, and many unwanted events in life serve as such, if only we dare to look at these in this way.
I must admit, it’s pretty weird to explain it like this. I’m telling it in the way I received it. This is how I got it. I give you all I got. Sometimes I find different ways to say it. I want to reach out to more people and from all walks of life, including the typical rational, mental, psychic, emotional, physical and/or spiritual inclined people. We, as an extension of Me, all have bodies, we share the same realities, the selfsame, the same self, identical stuff in ‘Our Me’. If we dive deeper in the self and allow healing, love flows, consciousness rises as a result, and we find the same common ground. It’s Me.
Okeko Learn & Share Gatherings are a way to find it.
Just gather… it’s simple.
I Feel We Got Pass the ‘Do This, Do That And Then You’ll Get It’ Mode.
It’s a carrot on a stick, that’s all.
I also feel we don’t have to repeat the same gathering-mode over and over again, dividing people in teachers, trainers, therapists, healers on one side, and ‘them’ taking centre stage, drawing and keeping all attention to them and their retreats, schools, institutions, organizations, presenting methods, guidelines, curriculum, strategies, which comes down to all ‘we’ need ‘to do’ to heal, while they play in a role of expert, authority, leader, and ‘we’ have to become US, adapt to the group on the ‘other side’ who ‘hasn’t got it yet’ in order to be part of a gathering.
This division sucks. Literally. It sucks us in the same mode over and over again, which started in childhood with mum/dad as authorities and is copied by teachers, priests, and various other authorities later in life. In this mode cruelty passes on without acknowledgement, accountability, and it’s easy to attack an individual, some-body in an undivided duality reality.
The group-mind will support this attack out of fear. I’ve seen it so many times. Over and over again, I’ve been put in a position of scapegoat, walking failure, misfit, that it became a mayor lesson in life and I got through this repetition by being true to, for, with and in myself. I saw that in my defence to stand my ground a stronger force came through me, and backed me up It was so powerful that ‘they’ gave up, and I got respect. ‘They’ had to look at ‘it’ again and after inspection they admitted I was right. I was OK.
I Was Spirited
OK, it took a lot of energy, I was shaking, crying, shouting but it fuelled me eventually. I used this fuel to become better at ‘just being me’. I realized what I did out of fear. I saw my blind-spots with the help of others. I learned that fear either wants to keep my energies in place, fix, so that I stay in stagnation or it prompts me to run away, fight, fawn, fool around, while my emotions try to rebalance the bodily systems. These are feelings connected to a story in the past I was unable or unwilling to feel. It’s all an offer I can take or reject, it’s therefore a choice to be in an undivided duality reality and allow the body to go through phases that ‘rock the boat’.
It helps to know that it heals to feel and go through fear, emotions and stress.
Sometimes I call myself a turmoil specialist ;) a joke to warn people for what is coming. It doesn’t always come, but when it comes I move and shake, take the fences away when people hide behind, in my view, a too thick ego, I pierce through the veneer, façade, personality, poke the wounds, take the wall down brick by brick, theatrically act out what I feel and see in a loving ‘wu-wei-way’. There’s also a lot of fun and excitement, we often hug, sing and dance as well. We can’t forever rub salves on a wound. A wound needs to dry out so that the crust can appear.
The Body Heals Itself If We Allow It
Let It Flow
People are often trapped in a ‘fix mode’, want one answer for all problems, asking: “what am I gonna do?” without asking first “what am I doing?”. We laugh and joke but cry inside; we lie, cheat, deny, bypass etc.. let’s start with finding these patterns and stop doing what we always did.
I got to see that so many children and adults who get labelled as outsiders, disabled, homeless, ‘good for nothings’, nut-cases, misfits, and so on hold valuable information, but keep it all inside out of fear. When it’s getting to full inside, they either withdraw or become aggressive, yes I admit I generalize here, but it’s just an attempt to point out the dynamics in our informed bio-energy sphere aka Cosmic Egg.
They harm, themselves and others, which is ultimately the same, in my view. All the while not knowing, learning, getting informed about their capabilities and therefore not finding a way to express, share, give, be honest, integer, tell, learn, take into account etc.. to let it flow. They are stuck, imprisoned and therefore the way to reach out and ask for help is also blocked. It’s nuts. It’s a shame. We all are nut-cases, and the cases need to crack to let the light in, the nut falls in the soil and pronto… a tree appears. Share some light with people who struggle, poke their case, it might crack.
Share Your Healing Story
Storytelling is Powerful; Every Body Has a Story To Tell
It’s December now. Sagittarius. Let’s shoot like the Scots. Zen-style. The arrow landed in the rose already before we aimed at the mark in the centre. We can decide it’s time to let go of cruelty, and ‘automagically’ make ‘space’, open up for an upgrade and receive energies-in-formation in our Cosmic Egg. It’s not about what ‘to do’… (that comes later) first, allow it, feel it, the body/mind receives it, the gut process it. IT is coming. So be in it. Be It.
If It is not love, spirited, healing, raising consciousness, then it is not it.
Scottish women say I’m interesting, exiting, evocative and brave.
That how I find life. It’s the same. Identical as, to, for and with me.
Got It? It’s So Simple
This simplicity freaks some people out, the number of people who dare to learn & share, breathe, receive, transmit, digest, process and progress are growing. I hope to meet you when you feel a ‘yes’.
When I play I’m OK. Participate, take part in integrity, part of the whole.
Click ♥ as a start ;) if you still feel the need ‘to do’ something.
You can also organize and/or facilitate or ‘just’ participate in a gathering; invite me for a chat, interview; donate, support, subscribe for free or paid… what else? You can comment and message me. That’s about it ☺ Love, Pascalle
Note: Ian Rankin “Black & Blue” Quote from Poet Ron Butlin:
Scots are “creatures tamed by cruelty”.
There is an energetic template
behind every day, which is
part of a spiral of nine days
of building up and letting go
just like our breath rhythm or
the slapping of the ocean on a beach
What the numbers mean to me?
Well, number ONE is like an arrow jolted out of a bow.
Like a dog barking first and then seeing who it is… going for IT, no matter what IT is. IT is not important, the ‘ME’ (out of or into zero-ness) IS.
I’m HERE (although I have no idea, Who-I-Am yet). Born A-New.
Fresh, vibrant, ALIVE, full of Spirit, Love, Imagination, Creativity, Courage, Passion for what is GOOD, and Feels good. A ball of FIRE that doesn’t care about direction, as long as IT Fires-Up all around or comes in ITS way.
Logically, the ONE comes out of the NINE (where we experienced an end and a beginning) so that’s where all the enthusiasm comes from (enthus= entheos= in IT/Spirit) and the drive to BE (new). I Am, I Am, I Am
I have created a new ‘I’ out of ME! JAY.
Oh dear, I AM not only one. Beside the new ‘I’ out of ME… there are other eyes ☺ too! We learn to see the effect of our actions. We meet other people. How interesting. The other I’s give expression in a totally different way. Oh, dear! We meet the ‘other’ and see ourselves.
The TWO is like a mirror, a reflection of what we can’t yet recognize in the ‘I’ or ME. Whatever we accuse in ‘others’, we seem to reject in ourselves. The arrogant will see arrogance first; the angry, see angry people; the ignorant, see all the dumb stuff; a butterfly sees others flutter.
The TWO is also awareness about the creation of an identity; the ‘I Am’… an artist (when I paint). I am a cyclist (when I cycle). I am a player (when I play).
The identity of Who-I-AM… comes with whatever I HAVE, the accumulation of tools, techniques, goods and foods, and the enjoyment of it all…. Typical Taurus stuff ;) wine, dine, play, dance, sharing abundantly with others and having a zest for life. Likewise, when these ingredients are missing, we feel the lack. Nobody to play with, no tools to discover… the TWO can be about boring lonely stuff as well.
A Gemini wisdom phase operating in the language of the Divine, we hear the integral language of the fe/male, and see the artificial division of polarities and the deceit of fixed boundaries, but in trying to make sense, we need to talk, communicate to know what’s true in ‘the me/we’ (learn & share) and find middle-ground.
Intuition, the gathering of information out of thin air. The building of the 2D inner pyramid of ME, I and IT… in the Spirit of Informed ‘Sameness’, Neutrality, and Identity.
Energy is power and in-formation, life is uncontrollable divine, we learn to translate the wisdom of the teacher of life, feeling overwhelmingly rich by sharing It.
Care for Structure
We might feel the need to file all the wisdom gathered in phase THREE neatly in boxes with labels, so that we can easily find our notes. Allowing inner truth to build an energetic structure in the body for stability, and presenting our newly informed biosphere in our environment.
We probably see adjustments. People around find a new way to relate to us, they’ll align to the new structure and the wisdom we share, or not. When we feel unsettled, not sure about our new place in a community, there is a growing awareness about caring for ourselves (or other people); insights in the flow of love, connected to the deeper meaning of certain experiences in life; shifts in attention, choosing for what we really love to do and with whom.
Playtime on our Platform
Let the Fun begin. The FIVE energy wants to express and play with the structure build in the previous phase. We are on a higher level, we are on our stage. We need to act out, experiment, show off, draw attention, the bigger the audience the better. We’re full of IT and need to share in the spotlight, so that we can see ourselves in a brighter light. Radiant, electrifying, sparkling and shining, it all needs to be shown and celebrated. Dance, it’s party-time, even if we are alone, no excuses, so just do it.
A child-like energy, that can also express in kicking and screaming when feeling threatened about the new structure (of Day 4). Then, there is no celebration or even laughter, and forget about dancing on a stage. The inner child can see it as a tough job. It might make drama, dealing with emotions and/or a stream of heavy thoughts, which can be the result of the adjustment to a new structure. It happens FOR us though, so let It happen. We can always remind the child of the templates… waking up tomorrow to another birthday.
The After-Party Energy Goes Worshipping and Cleaning
The party/drama energy is drawn to our spherical centre which fuels and heightens feelings of love for ‘the Self’, people, animals, plants, stones, minerals and environment. We clean, swipe, tidy up, light a candle and incense stick; it’s time for sacred celebration of our body, house, garden, family, community. Extra care for meals, healthy treats, enjoy nurturing fruits and drinks. In FIVE, we saw ourselves in a brighter light and now we gather the bits that we want to keep and share among loved ones.
Further emotional relief is also quite possible, which is a sign that we are ready to feel what we couldn’t feel before, it is often connected to a painful story of the past and the energy of the six helps us with processing (by feeling it all).
Getting ready for the Temple
We allow balancing of bodily energies, being receptive for insights, and adjusting to whatever flows come and go. Processing and surrendering, getting ready for the temple (our body) of infinity, by stepping in the finite. If we are OK with the finite, it becomes infinite. We might feel calmer, so that we can rest, and contemplate.
The Seven also balances energies between people, ‘clearing the air’, a settling of accounts and solving problems. People can walk in or out of our reality, let it happen. Fighting is Futile. Feeling angry and letting it dissolve, allow melting of the ice (attachment to whatever got fixed) allow waters to flow… cry.
Water Flows to Depth
In deep waters we find mysterious stillness along with insights about what infinity means. In day SEVEN, we contemplated and accepted the finite, therefore we entered our live-on-in-flow in stillness i.e. the infinite.
All experiences happen FOR ME. Not against ME. Going through difficulty brings the light back, on its on accord, in its own timing. When in dire feelings or thoughts, remember the above.
Discovering secrets, deceit, passions, fears, emotions by shining our light in darkness is also part of the EIGHT. We uncover what was carefully hidden. Integration is about homing, what was ‘there’ to uncover, becomes a part of ‘here’. De-cluttering or rearrangement of what is here, happens tomorrow, in the NINE day.
An end is also a beginning
Another day of wisdom, trusting IT to show what is and what is not part of ME; de-cluttering or rearranging the stuff we brought home in the EIGHT. If IT lets parts of ME go, it means that the play is full. Like a 4-year-old played with a toy long enough. It is satisfied and just walks away. It looks out for a new toy to play with or rests.
Stuff that cannot be contained in our biosphere automatically leaves us, unless we doubt. Building confidence and trusting IT can be a life-long process.
When we were playing with our toys, many of us were considerably messed about by people around, overpowering us to make choices, hindering us in leaving behind stuff we no longer needed.
Nevertheless, making room for the new by letting go or rearrangement, i.e. scrutinizing what is very or less important will make the outlook clear. It’s a beginning, the creation of expectation, a vision of or glimpse in the future.
Sometimes it happens through other people; somebody steppes in our life and bridges two loose ends, so that energy flows again.
The creation of a brand-new identity, or the discovery of a new toy to play with will kick-start the lightening of fires in our new spiral at the dawn of our birthday in the ONE.
Are you going to play in your 9-day spiral?
Or maybe building and playing with an inner ‘It-Me-I’ pyramid?
I’m looking forward to reading your comments, ideas, feedback.
I also love to hear healing stories and respond to your musings.