Rachel’s Post in Smallstack “Suffering Is Bullsh*t”
Just Stop Being Cruel to The Self I Say Let Cruelty Go and See/Feel If It Lets Me Go Reading Ian Rankin’s “Let It Bleed” I Remember a Saying in My Mother-tongue: “Blood Creeps Where It Cannot Go”
I’m On A ‘Double Taurus Day’
Rebelling against my resolution to publish ‘Season 1’ of Okeko Radio’ (just came up with this idea of seasons;) with at least 35 parts to go, I saw Rachel’s post and got distracted, fortunately for me, because not only has her post blown my mind, it made me record a podcast and create this post where different subsections of Okeko Learn & Share® come together, like Okeko Radio, Raw Responses Tell What’s True In Me, Entertaining Intermezzo, Art of Spirits Out Of The Woods and Okeko’s Photography, but I also got really spirited, grabbed my Dictaphone and ‘just’ recorded what I wanted to say for a long time but in a more condensed way.
Yihaa, It Worked!!!
When I Play I’m OK
It might be weird, but here they come... the free associations after the podcast… since I no longer have to make sense, and being in charge of this stack, I’ll allow myself to play with words, numbers, images, impressions and information from other stacks and really all that goes on in and around me. Maybe I make a fool of myself, maybe it will make some sense or beneficial impressions to readers of this stack, so I’ll take a risk and see what happens.
The Podcast is 33:11 Minutes, which gives number 8, the watery Scorpio number of infinity to get to the dark secrets from the depth in the rise of consciousness, which is very helpful on a ‘Taurus Day’ with number 2 and BTW, Scorpio is the opposite sign of Taurus in Astrology where I’m supposed to let the water sink in the earth, and so I ground myself in honouring my gratitude for being here and able to share what I learned with Rachel.
33:11 = 2 three’s, that’s Gem (my dearest Canine Friend) and I (Gemini) and the numbers give a six… another earth sign (Virgo) where the fires in the temple need air to keep going.
There are also 2 one’s: 11, perhaps Rachel and I will go into the Magician's Mouth where the image of an owl flies before my mind’s eye, hooting: “keep an eye on the flow of money and the currency of gratitude with bodies around”, which sounds wise to me, but maybe it’s a message for all three, Will, Rachel and I?
Accountability comes to mind, otherwise, mind will drive us nuts. I’ll quote Rachel:
“mind spits out glossolalia, gibberish, fragmentary and nonlinear, like frames cut from a film reel flashing randomly on a screen. I think of one of those pinwheel sparklers you see on the forth of July, spitting out bursts of colored sparks.”
Ian Rankin’s “Let It Bleed” Quote:
[…] for everyone who doesn’t know the way the system works, the way it makes room for lying and cheating and stealing.”
This system is not compatible any longer with our spirited body.
Ask a 5-year-old if not sure.
Will writes that in making his mandala:
“felt called to allocate a decent chunk of the darker parts of my year to do a ‘deep dive’ into a theme, story, or simply something big…”
and I wanted to tell him about what I saw but hesitated and waited, I didn’t want to disturb his process. Anyway, now that he found ‘his thing’ (Kalevala) I dare to say what I saw… a ‘dive deep’ also needs a ‘see through’ as the mandala can flip up 3D and become a gateway to enlightenment, i.e. we become lighter by accepting accountability both ways, from (our) me and therefore expect it from other bodies too… I saw the image of a priest who got paid for his/her services.
Accountability both ways implies that we open up for the realization that people who suffer are indeed in an “initiation” like Rachel says. It’s a gateway to allow the flow of healing, rise of Universal consciousness, love, intelligence and power and express (letting some pressure off) experiences of being “tamed by cruelty” which basically starts when we enter this meat-suit (body) and there is much to say about how it perhaps started way back in previous incarnations.
It’s a fact that when we allow healing and the rise of consciousness people around no longer ‘resonate’ and probably want to leave, which hurts, on top of whatever the mind/body/emotion/spirits throws in to effect change and transformation, all the while our new buzz-words ‘kind and compassion’ can also be used effectively to bypass for instance anger about ‘what was done to ‘me’ in childhood’ and as a side-note ‘kind’ in Dutch means ‘child’ and that raises the question of whether WE are kind enough to children (read my comments on another brilliant Smallstack) and kind to the Self, because if we are, this implies that we acknowledge we were indeed “tamed by cruelty” and dare to make a choice not to pass it on, and instead let love flow.
Etymology of Self is Same/Identical.
Now, if we can’t let anger flow through the body without hurting anybody else, we won’t feel the grief that’s underneath, and we won’t heal and wise-up. What we won’t feel, can’t heal.
So… while we are yearning for compassion and kindness from people around for them to see that we are in an “initiation” and at the same time angry that they don’t allow their own initiation by playing along ‘the system’ which is cruel, we’ll find on top of everything that the flow of money stops flowing in our direction! Not to mention the flows of love and gratitude for our courage to be in an “initiation”, allowing it, and go all the way, feel and see it through.
That’s why I say that it is an individual quest, it’s an individual going in the direction of being in an undivided duality reality, and much of this movement is dependent on seeing clear and knowing why we suffer, without elevating suffering the way Rachel brought up, to be told by someone living in a comfort-zone that it’s good to suffer (yeah, right, for as long as it stays on my side and I don’t rock the boat on their side).
Jay, last night the owl who lives nearby didn’t stop hooting, conveying messages from the depth of the earth and prompting me to see beyond illusions and the known. They can see in the dark! So can we… shine a light on ‘inner’ sight, insight through ‘the dark night of Soul’, and learning to see through deceit and masks.
Play in Progress
OK, one last message: “forgiveness comes from far”.
Somewhere I wrote about forgiveness… but forgot the exact post.
Oh, dear.
Anyway, I’m glad Rachel can’t forgive because it can be a trap. It can erase the cruelty been done to ‘our me’. And in order to find why it has been done ‘for our me’ we need to wait to be forgiven for our ignorance and becoming more aware, which comes from far… Spirits are watching too, you know, and here and there’s also a flow of healing and rise of consciousness going on in Spirit-world.
That’s It!
I like to finish with the hope that Rachel will accept my deepest gratitude for writing this post, and maybe one day we’ll have a chat about the rest of her newsletter in a Special Episode of Okeko Radio, there’s so much more value to unpack here. Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Oh, almost forgot… if you Rachel “cannot imagine being so evolved”, no worries, I’ll hold that image, until you see it too ;) and on the other hand I’m sure we cannot be evolved permanently, because it implies we have to fix ourselves in a ‘state of being’, which is hindering the flow of consciousness in allowing mind/body evolve further. Guru-syndrome comes to mind ;) which might shine a light on “fierce grace” in the quote of Ram Dass.
As a side-note, Ram Dass, received this name from a Hindu Guru, it means ‘servant of Ram’ and he happened to walk on a pathway towards individuation (North Node in Aries) according to the astrologer I cherish.
All ‘makes sense’ doesn’t it? Well It does to/for Me.
I began with ‘just be’ and ‘just be me’ and love to pass this on to all bodies who want to hear it. To be brutally honest, just for this moment, I admit that when I was ‘just me’ all hell broke loose in and around me, but I got through.
I can just observe when I want/need to without becoming an observer, or once in a while play as a spiritual midwife without becoming one, and on my pathway towards innocence I don’t need to be permanent innocent, but yeah, that’s another world of information we can explore.
It does have a connection to what you said:
“I might as well have had the Andromeda strain, or whatever it was that made aliens bust out of your chest.“
whereby some information shared by an astrologer I am very grateful for might be of assistance to ‘see through’ what’s going on in and around the ‘It/Me/I pyramid’.
In my view, the “Andromeda strain” is a process of alienation from ourselves. How we got alienated in childhood from ourselves. For example, not allowed to express (letting some pressure off) what happened to and for me in previous incarnations and the cruel ways of parents who decided to go along with ‘the system’ in this incarnation, threatening their children if they don’t obey, or rebel against being tamed (broken in). It seems that the accepted way is depression. Yeah, get a deep rest from it all. Here are the pills and your benefits… now… stay home and be quiet.
No wonder the alien comes out of my chest ;) the heart has enough of all the bullshit, and yes, I can learn to relate to people around whom I freak out when ‘I’m just me’. Relate means the process of ‘slow down, tell, recount and leave’. In this life, it started with me and Mum/Dad, but to make it visible, I drew the ‘inner pyramid first to clarify the healing flow and art to live-on in streams of energies-in-formation in It/Me/I-consciousness, and then the Spirits Out of the Woods helped me draw the ‘outer pyramid’ of Child/Mum/Dad.
I’m also going to walk the talk about accountability both ways… I offer Online Okeko Learn & Share Gatherings to Heal and Raise Consciousness. When people gather healing happens. Get Together… get it together… to get there… to get here… and stand our middle-ground with people who get it and don’t get it, see it and don’t see it, feel it and don’t feel it, know it and forgot it, and so on.
Shared Experiences, Feelings, Thoughts, Emotions, Insights, Inspirations, Knowledge, etc. Become Wisdom.
In my mother-tongue: Wis = past tense of Know
Dom = Stupid
I Know I can be Stupid
After 17 years getting paid as a bodyworker, I’ve worked and played 12 years free-of-charge with people, animals and bio-energy; I sometimes feel stupid for what I did, but, because of it I got wiser… and now I’m ready to recount and open up to receive what I gave away. It was a steep learning-curve to see myself better.
The thing is that when I learn & share and IT clicks in another body, they forget me, the messenger, which is a good thing because it’s proof of whatever clicked is immediately integrated in the bodily system. BUT, it would be great if they would also give back to me. ‘Please Remember Me’ is a brilliant title, isn’t it? I like to extend it into ‘Please Remember Our Me’.
While I was typing all this, I ‘just’ put a CD with various music in the player, and there it was... ♫ ♫ ♫ A song from Loreena McKennitt called “Dante’s Prayer”
When the dark wood fell before me
And all the paths were overgrown
When the priests of pride say there is no other way
I tilled the sorrows of stoneCast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please, remember me
The Owl Says
IT Remembers Me
It had to be a SmallStack who got it out of Me
(thanks again Rachel and of course the two Robin’s ;)
But WE cannot stay Small My Stack is the Size of a Scottish Midget But I see My Vision What Happens When all Midgets Gather Hahaha... Try To Meditate When They Come FOR YOU Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide Jokes aside... I'm not only interested to gather with midgets, but also with giants, pioneers, warriors, speakers, writers, observers, authorities, sufferers, idealists, gamers, priests, artists, dancers, singers, and so on because they are all in me. They all play a part in the landscape and architecture of Self. In my view, we are depraving ourselves if we see these archetypes as personalities and therefore bound to only express in 'the one' role. That's why we hide behind masks, and force ourselves in a 'one-personality-disorder' that divides 'our me', and therefore fail to see 'sameness' (selfsame). What if... we would allow 'our me' to emerge and learn to identify temporarily with what others bring to the table without restraining hierarchical structure, and support 'the one' in the gathering to rise-up? When one rises, we all rise. It's that simple. We're not equal, we are on different levels of consciousness and healing, but deep down and high up we're the same. So... stand firm on the middle-ground darlings. Buzz like a bee; be the buzz! I hold my vision dear that by sharing stories, reading and hearing stories we'll notice a similar silver thread that weaves through all tales, and it's often the children that pull this thread to remind adults of our spirited body, in a bid to transcend whom- or whatever adults totally and permanently identify with. Now… Fff… Click ♥ Down Below and I’ll Jump for Joy I’ll Paste a Donate-Button Later ☺ When You Help Me You Help 'the Me' in You Too (your-self is the same as mine) We Can Help Ourselves We = an extension of Me You = an extension of I
Me = In the Middle between Spirit & Identity, just like Mum is in the middle between a Child’s and Dad’s World, just like Me (and (my) nature) stands on the Middle-Ground between Underworld & Heaven or Spirit-world, including daemons & planets.
That’s It Again!
In the Mean Time, I’ll go back to my resolution to publish ‘Season 1’ of Okeko Radio’ ☺ ♫ ♥ ∞ ☼ ‘Let It Bleed’ in a Wu-Wei-Way Wherever IT Can Go.
I Learn to Trust the Ripple ripple ripple-effect of Me.
Different Light; Different Spirits Out of the Woods Get Highlighted ☺
Click ♥ below and flow into my currency of gratitude. You can also organize, facilitate and/or participate in an Okeko Learn & Share Gathering; invite me for a chat or interview; donate, support, subscribe for free or paid… what else? You can comment and message me. That’s about it ☺ Love, Pascalle
Ian Rankin’s “Black & Blue” Quote from Poet Ron Butlin:
Scots are “creatures tamed by cruelty”.
PPS Since you can call me a slow traveller, I can assure you that it’s not only the Scots, who are tamed by cruelty, it’s part of a cult… i.e. occult part of culture everywhere. Just a suggestion: keep this part to yourself, process, progress and gradually lose cruelty, let it leave you, so that the flow of life becomes visible, acknowledged, felt, and passed on.
“You Are Out Of Your Mind…”
Yep, that’s right, and I’m not going back in!
A snippet of conversation between a partner and me. We were disembarking a relation-ship when I was letting go of the mind-program running in the background that forced me to subdue spirited energies-in-formation to comfort the programmed mind of another body.
It’s just like ‘catwoman’ said in an earlier podcast:
“I broke the cycle of cruelty”.
Click ♥ Below
I’m also going to Walk the Talk
about Accountability Both Ways
Let €, ₤ and $ Flow
PROMOTION (let’s play OK with money)
Organize Online Okeko Gatherings to Heal and Raise Consciousness And Earn Money Too Besides Getting Okeko’s Learn & Share Gathering Goodies!
From 5 participants including yourself you can invite me to facilitate (making it easier to allow healing and the rise of consciousness) a gathering and you, as organizer, participates for free.
Gatherings take max. 2 hours for max. 9 people including me; min. donation £20 pp.
With 6 participants including you, I share £20
with 7: £40
with 8: £60; on top of your free participation (£20)
So… an Okeko Learn & Share Gathering for 9 participants organized by you will give a return value of £80 for your healing intention, attention and investment of energy and effort… the only requirement is that you agree to Okeko’s T&C’s.
I can’t wait
to participate!
☼ Love, Pascalle
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