Listen now | Episode 2 | The clock ticks the energy of Gemini on a ‘day five’ in the art-studio. The Leo roars again with the fires of creativity, mentioning the artefacts hanging just below the ceiling, and one is a mask, which brings me to our personality, ‘our I’ in the ‘It/Me/I’ pyramid in the informed bio-energy sphere aka as Cosmic Egg… Read and Listen More….
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Radio Okeko
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Listen now | Episode 2 | The clock ticks the energy of Gemini on a ‘day five’ in the art-studio. The Leo roars again with the fires of creativity, mentioning the artefacts hanging just below the ceiling, and one is a mask, which brings me to our personality, ‘our I’ in the ‘It/Me/I’ pyramid in the informed bio-energy sphere aka as Cosmic Egg… Read and Listen More….