The clock ticks the energy of Gemini on a ‘day five’ in the art-studio. The Leo roars again with the fires of creativity, mentioning the artefacts hanging just below the ceiling, and one is a mask, which brings me to our personality, ‘our I’ in the ‘It/Me/I’ pyramid in the informed bio-energy sphere aka as Cosmic Egg.
A share of experiences and discoveries from being a teacher in different primary schools in the Netherlands follows and how it was in childhood and adolescence for me to go through school-time, introducing the powers that authorities have to harm when unaware of psychological dynamics and the kick-start of my own healing process that is still ongoing. So many people talk about kids these days, and don’t get it what is going on with them.
My story of being a teacher in the eighties sheds a light on how ‘things’ went wrong with kids struggling with authorities like mum & dad, teachers, therapists, doctors, the power of the ‘peer group-mind’, and so on, why so many bodies carry wounds instead of allowing healing, and I therefore share my discoveries as a bodyworker and motivation to participate in a Universal healing process with people who want to heal and rise-up in the power of Universal consciousness that flows through me (our me) 24/7.
Here’s my CTA
Call to Action (T&C’s Apply)
Comment & Give Feedback; Message & Invite Me for a Chat, and/or an Okeko Learn & Share Gathering; let’s find ‘the Me’ in You and let it extend in ‘the We’, aka the middle-ground between US and THEM; Subscribe for Free or Paid and Click the Heart-Icon, dive and flow into the currency of gratitude. Love!
Tip: Since I’m talking in my own pace, you might want to adjust the tempo in the audio-player when it’s too slow for you :) Relate has four stages btw… slow down, tell, recount and leave. I’m warming up, have patience, relax and I’ll give you all I’ve got. Cheers!
PS Mistakes & Edits:
I say calculi but I mean dyscalculia; a learning disability concerning arithmetic.
Hand-fan in Spain is called ‘Abanico’. More info:
Brief History of the Hand-Fan and its Secret Language:
Handmade Fans from Valencia:
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